Mom life!

So I am a Mom, to three wonderful daughters, that drive me absolutely insane some days, but I wouldn’t trade that insanity in for the world. They are my GALs, the oldest is G, she is 17, the middle is A, she is 9 and the youngest is L, she is 7. I did not intend for the first intials to spell out GAL, it just happened and it works for us.

Every day is a new adventure in our house, as I am sure all parents can relate to. I find that some our adventures are to entertaining to not share! Example, me and the younger two (A L) decided to purchase water squirters, we brought them home full of excitement that these $4 toys could allow and so much more. I go to get ready, turning my back on A L (whoopsie on my end) L has this marking on her forehead. L thought it would be amusing to suction said water squirter to her forehead. 🤦🏻‍♀️  I could have yelled and punished her, but let’s be honest, she punished herself folks! She is still walking around with this marking on her forehead, (refer to picture below, and yes the marking looks just like that). I laughed, I am not going to lie, I am still chuckling when I start to have a conversation with her. IMG_3541

This adventure means one thing, Summer vacation has officially begun! We will have lots more adventures, fun, exciting, scary and emotional ones. Sit back and enjoy, and remember parents, our kids are crazy, try to stay sane. As my favorite quote from,  The Hunger Games, goes “May the odds be ever in your favor!”

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