Rain and Rainbows

IMG_3552Leaving A’s softball game the other night, I stopped at a Steak n Shake drive thru, with my oldest daughter and her best friend. (It was A & L’s time with their dad) It had started to rain, just a drizzle and as we waited for our food, a rainbow appeared. The colors all seemed to mush toghether, yet it was still so vibrant and beautiful, to me.

Rainbows signify so many different things, to so many different people. I, an adult, still get excited to see a random rainbow. For me, it signifies, that no matter how dark and gloomy life can get, there is still something beautiful to look for. It may not appear, with every rain storm, but there is always a chance one can appear. The beauty of the rainbow is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose. To one it means absolutely nothing, while to others, it shows the beauty of Mother Nature and all of her beautiful glory. While for others, it is a hope that loved ones in heaven are looking down on them, letting them know they are happy and at peace.And let us not forget, the good ole, pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. I am sure most of us have not actually searched for that pot o gold, therefore it signifies luck.

Regardless of what a rainbow does or does not signify, how can one not bask in the beauty of it? It brings me hope and happiness, that even on bad days, rain may come wash away my worries and a rainbow will appear, to show me that the light at the end of the tunnel, is right before me.

Mom life!

So I am a Mom, to three wonderful daughters, that drive me absolutely insane some days, but I wouldn’t trade that insanity in for the world. They are my GALs, the oldest is G, she is 17, the middle is A, she is 9 and the youngest is L, she is 7. I did not intend for the first intials to spell out GAL, it just happened and it works for us.

Every day is a new adventure in our house, as I am sure all parents can relate to. I find that some our adventures are to entertaining to not share! Example, me and the younger two (A L) decided to purchase water squirters, we brought them home full of excitement that these $4 toys could allow and so much more. I go to get ready, turning my back on A L (whoopsie on my end) L has this marking on her forehead. L thought it would be amusing to suction said water squirter to her forehead. 🤦🏻‍♀️  I could have yelled and punished her, but let’s be honest, she punished herself folks! She is still walking around with this marking on her forehead, (refer to picture below, and yes the marking looks just like that). I laughed, I am not going to lie, I am still chuckling when I start to have a conversation with her. IMG_3541

This adventure means one thing, Summer vacation has officially begun! We will have lots more adventures, fun, exciting, scary and emotional ones. Sit back and enjoy, and remember parents, our kids are crazy, try to stay sane. As my favorite quote from,  The Hunger Games, goes “May the odds be ever in your favor!”

Death follows life

What follows life? Death. Not a subject that is happy or enjoyable, but it is a fact and truth for each of us. This is what lead me to writing blogs, I needed another outlet and want to hear about your experiences.

4 weeks ago my sister, 45, passed away suddenly. 19 years ago on May 20, 1998, my brother passed away suddenly. I am all that is left, of the three. I was speaking with someone the other day and they said “oh my, this feels like a bad movie!” And I couldn’t help but to agree. My sister made some not so great life choices, she was a drug addict. She struggled for over 10 years, she would get clean, then go right back. At whatever cost, she would get her drugs, taking money that was for her son’s Christmases, asking friends and family to borrow money “for food” and she left nothing of value behind, because it had all been hawked. After my nephew turned 18 and graduated high school, I decided, that her being a part of my life and my 3 daughters’ lives, was no longer acceptable. A decision I both regret and don’t regret all at the same time. After my brother had passed away (due to menangitis) , I had a tremendous amount of guilt, that I didn’t get to say good-bye, I was so angry that we didn’t have the chance to grow up and be in each other’s lives. I swore I would never do that again, however, I did. It hurts, it hurts even more now! My sister had a medical emergency almost two years ago, I was told she was close to death then, I hurried up to the hospital, to make sure I was there, in case it was time. It wasn’t, she had lost her right arm, to save her life, although, in my opinion, it took her closer to her death. So when I got the call this time, that it was close, and she was being rushed to the hospital, I took it for granted. In my head, she would be fine in a few days. She wasn’t fine, she was gone this time, gone forever. I was left in the turmoil of my own thoughts, I was angry at her, although this was not an overdose, the years of drug abuse, ultimately lead to this demise.

Up to this point I have been through a lot in my life, 38 years of constant ups and downs. I had left an awful marriage, 7 years ago, and have been trying to make my way, so to speak, since then. Plenty of failed relationships, hardships with work, and it had been me mainly to leave it all behind, I am a “runner” in life. I had been “strong” and attempted to deal with this, mainly by myself. No one ever knew how I truly felt, I had kept every emotion to myself. The day of my sister’s funeral, the flood gates opened and every emotion I had bottled up, tight, came crashing down on me! It was scary, emotional and it pissed me off! I had to admit defeat and ask for help dealing with it all, Everything that I had been through in life. My friends have been amazing support, those I have chose to keep in contact with (that’s a whole other story) and decided to call a therapist. At first, I didn’t want to tell anyone, because, I was always deemed the “strong one” and here it is, me needing help. Everyone now knows, that therapy is my choice of coping and letting go. I am not seeking the help of medications, rather than  therapy, friends and essential oils! So far it is all helping, of course there are good days and bad days, as to be expected.

Have you ever had to deal with a loss that consumes your days and nights, that leave you feeling desperate for just one more chance? It isn’t easy, it feels unfair, to those of us left having to deal with these losses. How have you coped, dealing with death?


Amy’s Diary

Why am I here? What am I doing writing a blog? I am here to share my life with everyone, that’s why. We have all come across situations in our life, where we have felt completely alone. The overwhelming feeling, that no one will understand or care, because no one you know has been where you have been. Well, after many situations in my life, I am here to let everyone know, that you are not alone, that someone, somewhere, may in fact be able to relate and sympathize with your situation. I will be sharing parts of my life, lots of parts, in hopes that someone, somehow can relate and give a little sigh of relief that, there is in fact someone who cares! One Day at a time, is all we can take on this crazy adventure called life! Thank you for visiting, please feel free to leave any questions or comments!